Friday Round Up

Well howdy there boys and girls…this week’s round up is very make and do focussed, but we have some models and rules first of all…

We have in stock now the Crusader Rules which cover 1740-1900, Napoleonic period and the American Civil war, with a supplement available for the American period.

New from Airfix the 1:72 Aichi D3a1 aeroplane, which is probably most well known for Pearl Harbour, and is a rather stumpy nosed looking little aeroplane…I have to say (sorry beloved American readers) it is a kind of cute little thing…also we have a lovely T34/85 because we can never have too many Russian tanks.

From our favourite Italians, Italeri we have a 1:72 scale station, which is perfect for World War 2 European skirmishes…your table will be massively improved by the inclusion of the greatest piece of technology ever, the train…more on that in a paragraph or two…

In Steve’s ever growing desire to stock every kind of glue ever we now have a growing range of Deluxe products which include some incredibly specialist items such as the rust kit…

On our webshop you can now find our range of resin bases in all kinds from cracked ground and gravestones, to a pile of skulls…should you wish to stand on a pile of skulls.

More prosaically from Expo we can now offer the poly cutter with its battery…which is for cutting polystyrene not parrots. We do also sell the battery and replacement wires if you already have the cutter.

Also, we have catalogues…you can buy the Pocketbond catalogue from the store now (ignore that it’s the old picture, we will beat Rob soundly for not updating it)…but we also have the Expo catalogue…which you can have for free…if you email the bossman at and title your email “I would really like a free Expo catalogue pretty please”…and if y’all want to mention how the webfairy needs supplying with more (lactose free) chocolate I shan’t object.

I mentioned the glory of trains…and glorious all train things are and our final new item this week celebrates one of the things that railway modellers do with finesse. Scenery. Now here in the office, we have something of a divide. Rob, master of straight talking, doesn’t see what the point of the time railway modellers spend on scenery because “THEY DON’T LET YOU TOUCH IT!” (and yes he really does yell)…I, unsurprisingly as a woman who would rather like a train set in every room of her house, am a big fan of a fine model railway…and the master of all things Arcane sits somewhere between the two. What we now have, so you can see where you fall on the spectrum, is  a book Creating Realistic Landscapes …it shows how railway folk make spectacularly realistic landscapes, and whilst you may feel that some of it will be a lot of work that is going to get mussed up when playing, there are, we’re sure, tips and tricks you might want to incorporate. Plus if at anytime you wanted to make a diorama or something for display rather than play there’s plenty of information in here for you.

Till next week folks.

Friday Update…..or not

It’s that dreaded time of the year. Just about got over the numerous bank holidays, the feasting and drinking are a distant memory, (although everytime I try to do up my belt I’m reminded as to how many minced pies I ate), and it’s back to work with the end of the month and next pay day looking a very long way a way….

Nevermind though! There’s plenty of models kits and soldiers to make and paint and if the weather’s a bit miserable it’s all the more reason to stay indoors with a nice cup of tea and get painting! If moneys a bit tight, now’s the time to dig out those models you’ve been meaning to make and get busy. As for New Years resolutions, well dont worry about what you need to give up – how about planning your next army or kit to make. If you are looking for inspiration, fear not, whilst the new releases are thin on the ground this week I can promise you that there is a whole host of new goodies on the way. 

Watch out for some great new kits from HobbyBoss, Italeri and Tamiya as well as releases from Warlord (do they ever sleep?) and yet more goodies from Northstar. And we will keep adding to our ranges to give you ever more choice.

If you haven’t already seen them, check out the new range of abrasives & glue dispensers that we now have from Albion. I particularly recommend the sanding sticks if you are building plastic models.

So get busy with the paint & glue and get modelling while you can. It will be Summer before you know it and you’ll be getting dragged off to mow the lawn and cremate meat on the barbeque…….

In case you’re wondering, Lotte is away on holiday, sitting her exams….which means she will have a degree soon and it will be official that she is the brightest spark in the office.


Edam good figures

We wanted to show some newly painted figures from our favourite painter, TheStug …


Painted as a Dutch regiment the figures are a range new to Northstar Figures,  and are sculpted by the very talented Steve Saleh. Steve also sculpted the Northstar Wazungu figures that our Steve loves so much, and  the Persian Satrap limited edition  exclusive figure that came with the most recent Great Escape rules set The Rise and Fall of Persia.

The figures depict Louis XIV’s army and the opposing forces for the period 1665 to 1680, and due to the lack of standard uniforms at that time can be used flexibly as a range of armies.

Though new to Northstar’s ever growing range, the figures are originally from a range formally called Glory of the Sun designed by Mark Copplestone of Copplestone Castings.

Since they are so flexible, we’re interested to know what armies you might use the range for…tell us in the comments!

Friday Round Up

Unfortunately, Lotte, our webmaster blogger and technical genius is suffering from a bug and so we’re a bit short on pictorial content this week but there are so many new goodies I couldn’t miss the friday update. The links should all work so you can still see the goodies!

Once again we have had a busy week with lots of new releases arriving in our ebay shop and on line shop. As well as the new releases, we are continually adding extra ranges to improve our offering to modellers and a good example of this is that we have now added the range of Vallejo Earth and Oxide pigments to our shop. This product is superb for producing weathering effects on your models and we will be using these to good effect on our next projects!

In a similar vein, we have been looking to source model chain for some time and we’ve now got the Trumpeter chain available in our ebay store. It’s one of those really useful items to have in your ‘bits’ box and useful whether you are modelling tanks, figures or, in my case , Napoleonic wagons…..

Talking of Napoleonics, we’ve been able to add some of the Perry miniatures metal packs to our ranges to supplement the plastic sets. Long term readers of my blog will know that I am a committed fan of these figures, I think that they are amoungst the best figures available and I will be adding a few of these to my army!

The other item that has caught my eye this week is the new metal set of figures from North star. The pack is called Wazungu and contains four european hunters. These are beautiful sculpts and full of character. Click the link to see the painted miniatures but beware, you will be tempted to buy them, they are so good! If you are interested in wargaming with or collecting African themed figures, the North Star Africa range is a great place to start. As well as hunters we have Matebele or Zulu’s available as well as cattle & oxen. Incidentally, the Wazungu pack will make great characters for the Tooth & Claw rule set where the aim is to track down prehistoric beasts! Oh! and we’ve added a couple of new beasts to this range as well, you can now have Mammoths to hunt or Pumas to hunt you!

Changing tack yet again, we’ve received our new releases from warlord games, so we now have the Russian Pavlosk Grenadiers, Russian command and Casualties.

For the military modellers we have received a couple of new releases from Hobbyboss in 1/35th scale. For the modern era  there is the Landrover defender, and from World War II, the M3a1 White scout car half track. If you are not familiar with this manufacturer, they produce extremely detailed and accurate kits that are every bit as good as Tamiya , which of course we also carry!

Finally, very hot off of the press, we have the new Wargames Illustrated Magazine issue 290. In fact it’s so hot, I have not been able to list it yet but that’s my next job, so check out our rules and books section later today!

So that’s just a small selection of what’s new in, normal service will be resumed next week once we’ve run the virus checker over Lotte……

Friday round up

Bonjour mes amis ou mes armées…

Last week we skipped the Friday round up, sorry chaps.

We do have some new and forthcoming items to make up for no round up last week…

Not new, but reissue is the Warlord Roman batallion/starter set; this reissue offers a great bargain at a penny under £60 you get:
60 Plastic Legionaries
20 Plastic Praetorians
20 Plastic Veterans
24 Plastic Auxiliaries

Also from Warlord there is…*deep breath* Dacian Commander, Roman Casulties, Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Duke of Cumberland,and Imperial Harquebusiers.

From the Plastic Soldier Company we have two 15mm Sherman Tanks, in umm wet and dry

We now carry all the Artizan Wild West range…

And from AFV we have some ammo  and tracks 



Saws…we have saws (yes that’s saws not sores…) from Expo we have the ultra thin razor saw and the jewellery saw

AND forthcoming we will be stocking some more Tamiya items and from Zvedza we will have the 38T tank and the Reconnaissance group forthwith…

If you’re on Facebook why not befriend the Arcane mascot/valet Louis or become a fan on our page



Tuesday Roundup…

Yes it’s a few days delayed, sorry folks, but here’s what’s new at Arcane Scenery…

We’ve restocked on Renedra products and now have the full range in stock.

New from Renedra is the Pontoon bridge.

A great accessory for wargamers allowing them to biuld either a pontoon bridge or a simple footbridge. Theres lots of potential to use the pontoons as seperate items and conversions. The bridge is of a type used through many historical periods.






We’ve had an Expo Tools restock, so good availability on all these products. New to us is the Glue & glaze. A specialist product that allows you not only to glue clear plastic components without ‘fogging ‘them but also allows modellers to glaze small windows ( such as on airline models, ship kits etc) as well as headlights on cars, tanks etc. This expands our specialist adhesive range and we have many different glues for different tasks. Please check out our previous blog article ‘super glue is great…. but there are other adhesives!

Restocks on Emhar with more 1/35th scale WW1 infantry & artillery now available, although this is selling fast and some lines have already sold through! We will get more.
We have also received many more of the Conflix scenery range buildings in. These are amoungst the best value ready painted buildings on the market and look great on the war games table. 








New Warlord releases are in. Favourite is the Napoleonic Vivandiere, as she would have been with the troops. After all , what soldier could resist a woman offering him a beer…..Mind you she comes armed with a pistol so beware!

Also released, Scottish casualties for pike & shotte and new German army Command, Flak 43 and Leig18 infantry gun.







Finally, for now, we have just received new laser cut MDF movement trays. These allow you to make perfect trays and finish them to your own basing colours.

How to shop with Arcane Scenery: the eBay store

Okay first of all for many of you this is going to be a case of female grandparents and chicken foetuses, and if so, you can probably toddle off to skirmish. But for those who find eBay a world of bafflement hold on, we’re going to explain (or at least try)…

When shopping on the Arcane Scenery eBay store, on the left hand side of your screen you will see a search box and a list of shop categories. If you are looking for a specific item, simply type the name into the shop search box. For example, if you are looking for a Tiger Tank, you can type ‘Tiger’ into the search box and all of the different types of Tiger tank will be displayed.

If you are just wanting to browse, to find something that takes your fancy, you can use the categories which are located below the box. The Arcane Scenery store uses two types of category:

  • CAPITAL LETTERS are for the different Manufacturers that are currently stocked. So if you would like to view just AIRFIX KITS, click on this category and all of the Airfix kits currently in stock will be displayed. You will also see that the sub categories are then revealed. So you can now look at the sub category that interests you by clicking the sub category. If you want to look at Airfix planes, just click on this sub category and only these will be displayed on your screen.
  • In the lower half of the shop categories list, the items can be sorted by Period or type. So if you would like to see all of the Napoleonic era items from all manufacturers, simply click on Napoleonic Wars and they will be displayed. When you click on a category, a set of sub categories will be revealed to enable you to browse by scale. So you can now choose to look at just one scale of Napoleonic figures by selecting from the list displayed.

The historical periods that are listed are somewhat simplified. The Ancients & Romans will cover anything from cavemen right through to around 1066 and the Normans & Anglo Saxons.

Medieval Wars will go from 1066 through to around 1600 and for simplicity, takes in the Renaissance as well. Pike & shot features the English Civil wars and runs to about 1700. Horse & Musket runs from 1700 through to 1780 and then it is on to Napoleonic Wars which only feature the wars of Napoleon.

And this week we have a new category especially for all you Flames of War fans:- “15mm, FOW Compatible Kits etc” which can be found in the historical section under The Second World War.



Arcane Scenery’s little secret

For some time we’ve been keeping a little secret from our blog readers. Sorry, but once you see the secret, you’ll forgive us, we’re sure.

Arcane Scenery now stocks a range of beautiful wooden buildings suitable for wargamers. These intricate creations are currently available as a range of Western buildings for y’all cowboy fans, and WWII buildings suitable for Flames of War fans. We’re going to tell you about them in more detail in another post, but in the meantime here’s a preview… And, just because we kept a secret from you, here’s the range now available

Friday round up…

This week we have some great new releases and restocks…

First of all some treats for all you Flames of War fans…We are now stocking some lovely buildings, which will be discussed in more detail on Monday, suitable for town and village settings. There’s also some new Zvezda WWII items, such as this 1/100 Russian BT-5, which snaps together rather than being glued. Helpful for those with bigger fingers, or a tendency to glue themselves…







We also have new Zvezda Spartans






And this week brings restocks on Pegasus items.

The most exciting new stock this week is the Roden Rolls Royce Armoured Car from 1914.   It is 1/35th scale and recreates one of the earliest armoured cars from the British military. The cars, which were use in World War I and the first part of World War II, used the chassis from Silver Ghosts and added space for a Vickers turret. They were used in both Western front theatre and in the Middle East.  This is a lovely model which would work well in any First World War scenario…


Friday round up

It was yet another bank holiday this week so not many releases…

The new  PzKpfw IV Ausf H Panzer IV 1/72 scale Revell kit 3184 is now in stock ready for WWII battles

The armoured fighting vehicle Pzkpfw. IV formed the backbone of the German tank units in World War II. Between 1933 and 1945 it was built in greater numbers than any other German battle tank of the period. The H version, which for the first time was equipped with side skirts to increase armoured protection, was built from 1943 to 1944.

– Authentic surface details
– Movable turret with stowage lockers
– MG 34
– Side aprons
– Injection moulded tracks with individual links and segments
– Decals for two German versions
No. of parts 204
Length 97 mm

ummm and that’s about it on new releases this week. However, Italeri have a forthcoming new release that we thought you might like to know about…1/35th scale Lend Lease U.S. Truck with ZIS-3 Gun

The US6 transport lorry, developed by Studebaker at
the beginning of World War II for the American armed
forces, was created with an initial lot of 200,000 in a
good thirteen versions to meet a variety of logistical
needs: troop and material transport, refuelling, and
heavy-trailer hauling. The US6 was a 2.5-Tonne class
with petrol engine and integral traction in the dual
6×6 and 6×4 configuration, guaranteeing excellent
off-road performance.

Despite the vehicle’s incredible characteristics, it was used in a limited fashion by the American armed forces. The Soviet armed forces, on the other hand, used it extensively, having received from the American government in 1942 (to assist in fighting the Germans), over 105,000 vehicles in the 6×6 version and 90,000 of the 6×4’s. In Russia, this
vehicle was widely used as a tractor for anti-tank ZIS-3 cannons and other OBC. Furthermore, a “Katiusha”
multi-missile launcher was added to the US6 frame.

This vehicle should be available some time in the next month, but rest assured we will let you know as soon as it is here…

Welcome Back WarGames Factory

For sometimes I have been unable to get hold of stock of the WarGames factory range. There have been various rumours and rumblings as to why this should be, but the good news is that WarGames Factory are back and available.

It’s a nice range of figures with some interesting subjects. All of the figures are produced in hard plastic meaning that they are great value for money and convertible.

Before looking at the figures I must mention the packaging. As an internet business the majority of items I sell are sent through the post, and the new packaging provides a significant improvement of the polythene bags of old that provided little to no protection. However, though more sensible and protective the new boxes are not especially attractive and do not show these wonderful products off to their best. So please don’t let the boxes put you off!

In the same vein, I am not normally critical of other people’s painting because I know how much hard work goes into producing a model figure, and often these matters come down to a question of taste. However, the figures on the front of the War of Spanish Succession do not do the full product justice. Indeed, it looks as though there’s a regiment of Dick Turpins marching down the road!
Fortunately the painted models (pictured) on the back of the box are much better and do show what can be produced from the contents.

Here’s a picture of the sprues in the Spanish Succession box. They are nicely moulded with plenty of detail and there are three basic poses.

One of the figures has a split torso allowing you to produce either an officer, drummer or sergeant figure. There are also parts to allow you to make a flag bearer or ensign. The quality of the moulding is excellent, with plenty of crisp detail that should make painting a joy.

With a total of 15 different head variants, spare arms to give you a firing or marching pose, there’s plenty of scope for conversions and variety in the box. With a total of 36 figures for £16.49, the box is excellent value.

We’ll take a look at the other boxes available from WarGames Factory at a later date, but here is a list of the one’s that we stock:-


So a very welcome return by this manufacturer, hopefully the problems are now resolved and we look forward to many new releases.

Persian Infantry

Zombie Hoard

Horse and Musket

Friday Round Up

We have received in our restocks of Expo Tools, for those of you who aren’t familiar with this range, Expo do a comprehensive range of tools for the modeller with everything from knives, files, drills, sprue cutters through to magnifying glasses and even reading glasses.

In addition Expo also supply the superb Albion Alloys range which includes brass tube, rod and sheet, aluminium tubing, and precision engineered microtube.

We have also received their new releases a plank bending tool, and two varieties of pin pusher.

You may not have heard of these tools before, they are invaluable for railway and boat modelling enthusiasts, but we also think they are extremely useful for all you scenery builders out there.

In scenery this week we have restocks and some new items. The Treemendus individual leaf packs allow you to super detail your bases, or even produce your own trees. We have restocks on Javis trees and scenic scatters.

We also have restocks on plasticard.

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