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Welcome Back WarGames Factory

For sometimes I have been unable to get hold of stock of the WarGames factory range. There have been various rumours and rumblings as to why this should be, but the good news is that WarGames Factory are back and available.

It’s a nice range of figures with some interesting subjects. All of the figures are produced in hard plastic meaning that they are great value for money and convertible.

Before looking at the figures I must mention the packaging. As an internet business the majority of items I sell are sent through the post, and the new packaging provides a significant improvement of the polythene bags of old that provided little to no protection. However, though more sensible and protective the new boxes are not especially attractive and do not show these wonderful products off to their best. So please don’t let the boxes put you off!

In the same vein, I am not normally critical of other people’s painting because I know how much hard work goes into producing a model figure, and often these matters come down to a question of taste. However, the figures on the front of the War of Spanish Succession do not do the full product justice. Indeed, it looks as though there’s a regiment of Dick Turpins marching down the road!
Fortunately the painted models (pictured) on the back of the box are much better and do show what can be produced from the contents.

Here’s a picture of the sprues in the Spanish Succession box. They are nicely moulded with plenty of detail and there are three basic poses.

One of the figures has a split torso allowing you to produce either an officer, drummer or sergeant figure. There are also parts to allow you to make a flag bearer or ensign. The quality of the moulding is excellent, with plenty of crisp detail that should make painting a joy.

With a total of 15 different head variants, spare arms to give you a firing or marching pose, there’s plenty of scope for conversions and variety in the box. With a total of 36 figures for £16.49, the box is excellent value.

We’ll take a look at the other boxes available from WarGames Factory at a later date, but here is a list of the one’s that we stock:-


So a very welcome return by this manufacturer, hopefully the problems are now resolved and we look forward to many new releases.

Persian Infantry

Zombie Hoard

Horse and Musket