If you’ve wondered where my blog articles have been over the last few weeks, I have been distracted by my decision to retire at the end of this March and the consequences of doing so.

I’ve been running Arcane Scenery with Julie for at least 17 years now and have clocked up just about 50 years working full time throughout my career, so it’s time for a change of pace and a chance to do something slightly different.

As well as Julie, I’ve had tremendous support from the team over the years – the main players, Hayley, Rob and Kevin have all helped to keep Arcane running through some pretty tough times. Hayley and Kevin were stars through the very challenging COVID years.
As you can see,we used to attend number of shows, Salute, Derby and my favourite, Partizan- one and two! I have to say a big thank you to Pete Harris, who would often help and support us during these busy events.

I’ve also had the support from some superb companies and their teams over the years. In no particular order, other than alphabetical, thanks go to Albion Alloys, Blitzkrieg Miniatures, Creative, Expo, Footsore, Gaugemaster, Hobby Company, Javis, North Star, Nortons, Pocketbond, Renedra, Sarissa Precision, Wargames Illustrated, Warlord Games and a few that I have forgotten, no doubt! I haven’t name checked the individual’s involved – they know who they are – but it was always a pleasure to deal with them and as well as doing business together, we had a lot of fun.
Of course, the other group of people that I must thank are my loyal customers, far too many to name! I am very grateful for their support and of course, orders that we have had from them over the years. It’s a fact that without customers, there is no business. We tried our best to ensure that they were always well served and their orders were delivered on time and safely. It gave us great pleasure to know that we were helping people to enjoy their hobby.
So what happens next? The business will close down for a couple of weeks after Easter, whilst we try and tie up all the loose ends. If all goes to plan, the Arcane Scenery web site will continue but only as a blog, not as a retail operation. I hope to retain and continue with the blog – there are over 400 articles which I find useful and I hope other hobbyists do to!
Any remaining stock that we have left will be disposed of on ebay over the coming year at our leisure. For any fans of the DeeZee range, we will continue to make this available through our very good friends at Footsore. Who knows, with their help, I may even expand the range – just a little….
The good news is that I have reduced the price of much of our stock and there are some real bargains to be had, so buy now, when it’s gone it really will have gone!

I will of course continue with my hobby and I hope to stay connected to the War games community by writing for Wargames Illustrated, as well as running demo games at shows – Partizan being the most likely!
I may even finally conquer the lead mountain, that despite my best efforts, is still growing faster than I can paint! Here’s the latest batch that I have painted. Some men of Gondor from the LOTR magazine – I have now reached issue 34!

So once again, a sincere thank you to all of my customers, suppliers and friends that have supported Arcane Scenery over the years. I have really enjoyed my time in the business. It’s now time to focus on the Hobby!
I can only wish that you enjoy it as much as I do.
Happy Modelling!