My last blog post was back in November, some five months ago. I haven’t been posting for a number of reasons including minor ailments, household projects ( decorating!) and an aversion to spending any time on my desk top computer – it reminded me of work, something that in retirement I am keen to avoid!
The good news is that I have been thoroughly immersed in my hobby and there has been no lack of progress there! So, rather than retrospectively detail what I have been up to, I thought that I would just post a simple guide to making some battlefield scenery for my Samurai. I have plans for a specific scenario for my adaptation of Never Mind The Bill Hooks to Samurai warfare – Never Mind the Naginata’s, that will require some additional simple scenery pieces and this is how I went about making them.
The first piece was a Bamboo thicket, in fact I needed at least three of these to cover the left flank of the six foot by four foot battlefield. To make the thickets I had sent for a bag of 100 plastic bamboo plants from either Amazon or Temu ( I forget which!) that at the time cost me £14.99. I then used a 170mm by 105mm oval MDF base from Sarissa Precision and drilled randomly spaced holes through it. It is then simple enough to push the bamboo through the holes – I used a blob of thick expo super glue to hold the bamboo in place.
The next stage was to add some texture to the base using Vallejo paste and adding some detail with Various sized talus from Woodlands Scenics. I confess that in the past, I would have just used some small pebbles from the garden for this job!

I think that I could have used the bases without further detail but I followed my usual basing scheme of painting the base with a green/brown emulsion, Dehli Bazaar and highlighting with further dry brush coats of the same colour, lightened with Iraqi Sand. I then added some Woodland scenic blended turf using a watered down PVA glue and the job was finished.

With the bamboo thickets completed, the next job was to build some bamboo barricades for my Samurai shooters to hide behind. I decided to use up some spare 120mm by 40mm MDF bases that I had in the spares box and I needed six of these for the scenario. To make the fencing, I used some bamboo place mats that I had bought from the pound shop. You’ll never guess how much a set of four cost…

Once again, I drilled the bases with six holes at 10mm intervals and after cutting the bamboo to about 50mm lengths, pushed the uprights in and secured them with super glue. I then cut the horizontal spares to length and glued them on with super glue. The diagonal bracers were also cut and glued in similar fashion. Incidentally, I used my trusty Zuron sprue cutters to snip the bamboo to length – just watch out for bits flying around your work room!

As you can see, I’ve used Vallejo paste and Woodland Talus to detail the fences. I did consider leaving the bamboo in it’s natural state but decided to paint it a chocolate brown and the inked it with Army painter strong tone to give it a bit of a shine and texture. I left the ends of the posts unpainted though.

I then painted the bases and added some scatter and some Gamers grass tufts to finish.

I did consider adding some thread around the joints for extra realism but that would have meant tying18 knots per fence – 108 in total. I decided that it was time to move on to painting more Samurai! Allowing for drying time, it was just about an evenings work to make three bamboo thickets and six Bamboo fences. All being well, I will show you them in use on the battlefield in a future blog. I hope that you found this useful.
Happy modelling