Rain interupts painting!

Horses awaiting their undercoat!

Horses awaiting their undercoat!

Well, the recent deluge has caught me out and I was unable to continue with my WOTR cavalry as the next six models were yet to be undercoated. Mrs W made it quite clear that spraying indoors was unacceptable, even in the garage, which is accessed through the kitchen door. So I have had to wait for the weather to brighten up before continuing.

The six completed cavalry.

The six completed cavalry.

As you can see, I have now completed six of the heavy mounted men at arms, so I have made some progress. I’ve also mounted the riders for the next batch on the temporary holders ready for spraying, so I am good to go once the rain stops.

Let us Spray...knights ready for undercoating.

Let us Spray…knights ready for undercoating.

Despite this hitch, I always have something on the work bench and so I continued with the batch paint of the Highlanders that will make up the balance of the 92nd Gordon’s. The beauty of the batch paint approach is that you can keep a unit progressing and know exactly where you are in the process, even if you have to pause to do something else.

Batch painting highlanders

Batch painting highlanders

So a bit more progress in a slightly different direction. The decision I have to make now is whether to crack on and finish the Highlanders or once I can get the Knights undercoated, go back to them. I’m under no real pressure to do either at the moment as I now have sufficient troops to fight club battles in both Napoleonic’s and WOTR. I am favouring the Highlanders though as now that I’ve started them, it would be good to finish them. In reality, I’ll probably do a bit of both, depending on the time I have, after all, nothing like a bit of variety to spice things up! So long as I don’t end up with tartan on my WOTR knights all will be well….

White cross straps and lacing next!

White cross straps and lacing next!

So a short blog for me – besides there’s a break in the rain – I’m off to do some priming!


Just a short reminder that nearly everything that I use for my modelling is available post free from my shop. You can see the huge range of models, paints, glues and accessories here:


Happy Modelling!