It’s been two weeks since my last blog. My modelling schedule has been somewhat disrupted by the long Easter break, which coincided with two very important family birthdays and the clock going forwards, which has prompted me to do a bit more out in the garden. Despite this, I have made some progress with my painting and the 32nd Cornwall Regiment is all but ready to take to the field. The command group has been completed with the exception of the flags, which I need to order, and the basing is complete apart from adding a few tufts.

Command group for the 32nd Regiment
I did take a few short cuts with the painting and decided to opt for the usual block coat, quick shade, re- highlight method that I used on the troops. I’ve used a richer red for the officers coats but otherwise, everything else followed my usual colour scheme and painting routine. So the unit is now ready for the table and you can see them parading before ‘Little Bingham’, ready to march off to the wargames table!

First Battalion 32nd Regiment ‘Cornwall’ ready for duty!
You might notice there appears to be a new commander in the background. He is none other than Sir Sydney Ruff-Diamond, my new army commander. Sir Sydney distinguished himself on the field of Waterloo, leading the charge to the Gin cart and ensuring that his brigade had full rations throughout and after the battle. Of course his namesake and Grandson was also a hero in the later campaigns in Afghanistan and India. There will be more to come on Sir Sydney’s illustrious career in future blog articles but for now he is still a work in progress.

Sir Sydney Ruff-Diamond
As befits the Commander of my army, I am trying to paint him without taking shortcuts and using quick shade, so painting has been a slower than usual. The model just needs a bit more work on the horse and some of the highlights need looking at. I may have been too harsh with the grey on his boots. It would help if I had a better picture so I may give him the lightbox treatment just to help pick out the areas that need a bit of work.
Sir Sydney will be the commander of my Campaign army and when based will be the inspirational focal point for my troops. So it’s important that he reflects the true character of both my army and my approach to the hobby…Watch this space!