This weekend I will be attending the ‘Bingham Napoleonic Days’ event and on the Saturday, participating in a small Wargames demo game set in the Peninsular. The game scenario has been devised by Andy Callan and he has also put the rules together – they are a version of his ‘Rules for Old Wargamers with Short attention spans’. Pete Harris is building the table. The game is a skirmish around a small Spanish hill top village. My contribution is to supply the British contingent, who will be assaulting the village and driving out the French and rescuing the villagers.

Protect the pub! They still have beer!
As the game is a fictional event and is designed as much as an introduction/explanation of wargaming to a generally bemused set of non wargaming visitors, we aren’t too precious about the details of the uniforms and combatants. However, It was an excuse to dig out some of my unpainted Peninsular figures that I had accumulated and create a ‘Forlon Hope’ that would lead the assault on the village.

Another six figures to complete!
Well, I am just about there but as usual, I will still be painting and basing the last few figures on Friday night. They are not critical to the event, so if they are not finished, it wont be a disaster but it will be nice to have them done. I am quite pleased with the ‘command’ base that I have put together using the two limited edition figures that were supplied with the ‘Albion Triumphant’ supplements for Black Powder.

Albion Triumphant!
I’ve used a Sarissa Precision Bolt action gun team base that will allow me to use the figures separately if I choose to do so, or to remove them as casualties. These ‘sabot’ bases are very useful and allow a bit more flexibility than permanently basing figures in a Vignette, so that they can be used for wargaming but look nice in the figure cabinet.

Albion Triumpant rear view
Incidentally, when it comes to basing, I always try to work in three’s or five’s. Hence the little rock formation at the front of the base that’s there to ‘balance ‘ the figures. It’s something that I was taught in my earlier career in retail whilst learning how to put up window displays ( something all shops used to do in the olden days!). The idea was the everything should be grouped in threes or fives as it was more appealing to browsing customers. My wife worked in H Samuel and was taught the same trick, although they also had to set the clocks at ten to two as it gave the impression of a smiley face….I digress somewhat!

The Drummer boy is finished – just some tufts to add to the base.
You can see that I have mixed figures for the unit. There is the Warlord figures, some Foundry figures and some from Casting room miniatures ( although these are an off shoot of Foundry). The height differences are minimal and I have no hesitation in mixing and matching. The figures that are still on the workbench ( casting room miniatures) are a bit slighter than the others but a trick to hide that is to add a bit of plastic card to the base to raise them up. It will only need a millimetre or so but helps to level things up. I don’t really have a problem with the slight height differences in some figures. I know that some of my colleagues can get vexed by this but I like the variety and if anything, it is more realistic to have different sized people!

Another view of Albion Triumphant.
So I better get back to painting these last few figures. If you can get to Bingham on Saturday, you will be able to see them ‘in the flesh’ so to speak! The event is free to attend – just click on the link below for details.

Cheers! Happy Modelling!
The details of the Bingham Napoleonic Days can be found here:
Although the figures in this weeks blog are not available from Arcane Scenery ( I think some of them may be OOP) all of the finishing and painting products are, even better, we send post free!
You can see a huge range of bases and movement trays in our shop but here is the link to the base used in the article above:
I hope that you enjoy your modelling and wargaming!