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Where did a month go…..

I’m not sure how a month has gone by without managing to post a blog entry but the calender doesn’t lie! As usual, it’s not a lack of subject matter that has stopped me from writing. More a lack of time. To be honest, if it’s a choice between getting the new releases listed and available for sale or writing a blog article, the listing wins hands down – I’ve got rent to pay! Of course the other priority has been the hobby. Again, choosing between writing a blog article or painting some more miniatures and it’s the painting that’s going to be the priority.

So here is a quick round up of some of the new releases, re- releases and new lines added to my ebay shop over the last month. Incidentally, I have been a bit more prolific at updating my facebook page so if you would like to sign up to it & keep up with the new stuff, click here!

Zvezda, the Russian kit manufacturer have been busy with the release of their new Second World War range. In an interesting development, they have released platoon sized infantry sets for their new War game, ‘ The Art of Tactic’. At just