War Of the Roses Army Progress

Following on from last weeks blog, I seem to have made some progress with my painting but as we are still working (thank goodness) and busy posting and packing other peoples modelling supplies, I haven’t quite finished as much as I would like. The strange thing about the ‘lock down’ is that it seems to have sapped my energy and whilst I have more spare time at the weekends and evenings, I seem to have done less.

The second gun in the army - a nice field piece from Perry's

The second gun in the army – a nice field piece from Perry’s

So here is a quick round up of progress. I have now finished the second artillery piece for my army, completing the gunpowder section! I will add some tufts – I tend to do this as a session on it’s own and ‘tuft up’ a number of bases in one go. I have no plans to add any more artillery – I now have more than enough for the average game of ‘Never mind the Bill Hooks’. That said, at some point in the future I may add the heavy Bombard that Perry’s make, just for fun and because it will make a nice centre piece.

The Artillery section of my army.

The Artillery section of my army.

You can see from the picture above that I am missing four light cavalry from the rear rank of my Light horse. These are currently under construction and will complete the two units that I have planned. As regards, heavy horse, I’ve completed three metal Yorkist Command of  Edward IV, Lord Faulconberg and Lord Hastings.

Yorkist command

Yorkist command

This gives me 15 heavy horse but the plan is to buy the other Yorkist command pack with Warwick, Gloucester and Salisbury. I will then have 18 heavy horse. Two units of 8 and two commanders, again ideal for Billhooks!

Heavy Horse ready for battle.

Heavy Horse ready for battle.

The other sub project has been to finish the standard bearers. I intend to do a mini tutorial on Standards and how I apply them but I still have plans to add more. Here’s the couple that I have done using Little Big Man studio decals.

Banner men!

Banner men!

I have gone back and painted over the edges of the banners to hide the white edges but I notice that in the pictures of them in their units, I’ve managed to miss a few bits!

Warwicks Men at arms!

Warwicks Men at arms!

Norfolks Colours, I think but Faulconbergs men...

Norfolks Colours, I think but Faulconbergs men…

So My army is approaching completion. Just 4 light horse, 3 heavy horse and 12 more billmen and that will be it. Project completed. I wonder what I will do next?


We are still able to work safely and in a safe environment, following all Government advise to do so. If you need anything from our shop, please order as normal. The post is leaving us on time and as normal and we will do our best to turn all orders around in a working day or two as usual.

Almost all of the paints, miniatures, bases, basing materials and anything that you are likely to need for your hobby are available POST FREE from my shop here:


Perry’s WOTR plastic range are here:


You can find all the Vallejo Model colour paints here. If you don’t want to browse, just enter the paint number into the shop search bar;


Happy Modelling!