Yet another round up of projects completed rather than an in depth coverage of anything in particular. I have gotten out of the habit of writing a blog – something that I will try to address in the New year. I have been fairly busy, painting and working my way through my various projects, so in no particular order these are the completed models that have made it into my collection.

The first model is a small vignette from Athena Miniatures featuring Margaret of Anjou, Henry 6th’s wife and her page. I copied the paint scheme from Graham Turners beautiful book ‘The wars of The Roses’. Here’s a picture of the illustration form the book.

Incidentally, I am just about to finish reading this book. As well as the superb illustrations and paintings by Graham Turner, the book is a well researched overview of the Wars of the Roses. I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone interested in the period.

The next project was to paint four more warriors for my Dark Ages collection. The three on the left are Footsore miniatures, the figure on the right is a limited edition figure, I think, but I have forgotten who from! Painting these figures gave me a total of 48 Anglo Danes/Vikings that I have now moved on from Saga to allow me to field 4 units for Never Mind The North Men. No doubt I will be adding more next year!

Whilst I was painting Dark Age figures, I came across this lovely figure of Odin from Footsore Miniatures in my spares box, so I painted him up, pretty much copying the Footsore example. I’m not sure where he will fit in to an army but he looks nice!

I finally finished a SMER 1/48th scale model of the Fairy Swordfish. The last part of this project was adding the rigging using stretched sprue. Very fiddly and time consuming. The swear box was in constant use but I’m pleased with the finished result.

I had already painted a foot version of the Bishop of Bath and Wells from Battle Flag Miniatures but also had the mounted version. It seemed a shame not to finish him off as well!

On the subject of the Clergy, I also have a lovely Landsknecht mounted command group from Athena Miniatures. I’ve started with the easiest of them – the mounted priest or Bishop – the others are currently in progress. As you can see, I have yet to finish the basing.

I’ve also finished another 12 Ashigaru from Fireforge miniatures. I now have enough figures to field two Samurai forces for Never mind The Naginitas, of which 140 are Fireforge with a similar number of Warlord and Footsore minatures to oppose them!

Finally, I spent some considerable time adding decals to my finished units of Samurai/Ashigaru. I used a mixture of warlord and Vene Vedi Vici decals. It took me some time to finish this task as I had 7 units of 12 to complete. So I had 12 x 3 x7 decals to apply – that’s 252 decals! Going forward, I will add the decals as I finish the unit!
So thats November up to date.
Happy Modelling!