Little Bingham is the name of the Town that occupies my war games table when it is not being used for war gaming. To be fair this is most of the time – I get my ‘fix’ at the local club, The White Hart Gamers, every week almost without fail. So the table is more like an over-sized diorama that doubles as a photo back drop as well as a reserve work bench!
In the last work bench post I hinted that I was a bit fatigued with painting red coats so I decided to have a sort of a break from painting Regiments and picked a few bits from my ‘stock’ of unpainted figures. In the last week I managed to paint four new occupants of Little Bingham, all female, and here they are:

Fetching the water!

Milk Maid!

Feeding the Geese!
The final figure is part of a mini diorama that I am slowly making. It’s an army encampment that will be part of ‘Little Bingham’. The tents are by Renedra and the figure is an spare one – a Frontline, I think.

Comforting her son!
As well as these civilians, I also finished the Black Sapper for my Caribbean contingient. Apparently there will be a Caribbean Game at Salute this year and Wargames Illustrated Magazine will be giving away a Toussaint Louverture figure, so I may yet get to use my Caribbean force in battle soon. I based the colour scheme for this figure on an Osprey print of a Chasseur Pioneer of Saint Dominque.

Chasseur Pioneer St. Dominque 1797 ish!
Finally, I managed to paint two mounted officers for my Sixth Division at Waterloo – they will be seconded to the lead Hanoverians into battle. I’ve yet to finish the horses, so these are the next models to be finished. Although I’ve only painted seven figures over the last couple of weeks, I’m still pleased with my progress and I have been busily preparing and priming the next batch of figures for painting.

Mounted Officers – work in progress.
So that’s it for this week. The only other thing that springs to mind is that I must apologise for the quality of the pictures. They are taken with my i-phone and it is all to easy to take a quick picture with my phone rather than set up a proper shoot. It’s something that I need to address, but for now I suppose a bad picture is better than none at all!